
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Green Getaways

Fall is a great time to pay attention to Mother Nature. Afterall, she can't exactly be ignored. She'll be putting on a spectacular show so pay her back by planning an eco-friendly getaway. We have ways to green up your getaway and still keep a little green in your pocketbook too.

Women of Faith Infinite Grace Getaways

John 3:16 shirt
If you want to really strengthen the bonds of friendship then add faith to the mix. You'll gain a deeper understanding about what makes your friends tick, where they gain their strength and you might even learn more about yourself as well. At we've added a new page focusing on the Women of Faith conferences coming up this fall. You can link directly to the WOF page as well as book hotel rooms and get some great travel gear for your trip.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

NC Residents - Buy One Biltmore Ticket - Get One Free

Who doesn't love free tickets to Biltmore? No one I know. And if you are lucky enough to be a NC resident, you qualify for a special offer from Biltmore. From now until Sept. 1st, buy one adult admission ticket online or by phone (877-890-9158) and mention "Summer BOGO" and when you visit August 17–28, (Sunday–Fridays only) you'll get one adult admission ticket free.

For savings everyone can enjoy, be sure to
download Biltmore coupons from Biltmore to save on everything from outdoor activities to wine tastings.
For more info on making the most of a visit to Biltmore in Asheville, NC visit our sister site.