
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Tips for Planning a Girlfriend Getaway

So you've decided it's time to get the gang together for a bonding trip but you're unsure where to begin? There are a number of ways to go about planning a girlfriend getaway, girls weekend or vacation with your sisters. Here are just a few things to help you start your brainstorming and planning.

1. Determine the goal of your get-together.

Is the goal to reconnect with old friends - college roommates or a high school clique? Is it to celebrate a significant event - a 40, 50, or 60th birthday? How about a get together to bond before someone in the group starts chemo, has surgery or even has a baby? Determining the goal is a critical first step in successful planning. Once you have established a goal, you can start to fill in some other blanks.

2. What level of activity are you interested in?

If some in your group are looking for adventure while others want to spend the day at the spa, you either need to reach a compromise early or pick a destination with wide-ranging offerings. Ask the members of your group what their ideal getaway would entail and compare notes.

3. How far are you willing to travel?

Great escapes can take you on road trips to nearby towns or can encompass planes, trains or ships for longer treks. Are you looking for a destination get-together away from where you all live or would visiting your old haunts and stomping grounds be more fun?

4. Are you financially on even ground?

Nothing can spoil a trip faster than stifling or stressing a checkbook. Agree ahead of time who will pay for what, where you will eat and how differing budgets can be handled. Getaways are not the time to flaunt your wealth or chastise a pal for being froogle. This is supposed to be a time for bonding, remember?

5. What type of accommodation are you looking for?

Many hotels structure girlfriend packages so you can all share a room. Is that something you are comfortable with? If not, perhaps a cabin or house rental would work - you can hang together in the common areas but retreat to your own rooms for private time.

6. Don't be discouraged if you don't see packages that fit your needs.

Many "romance" or "couples escape" packages can easily be adjusted to fit a group of gals. Couples massages,sunset cruises and wine and chocolate don't have to be enjoyed by pairs. These can become wonderful opportunities to slow down the pace, relax and rejuvenate together. So if you see something that piques your interest, shoot an email to the property or pick up the phone.

Keep checking back for more ideas and tips on planning great getaways and be sure to leave your own comments. Check out my website at for packages, gifts and more.